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BEC Vantage Speaking Part 1 | Cambridge Business English Certificate

Cambridge BEC Vantage Speaking Test - Part 1

You will normally participate with another candidate in the BEC Vantage Speaking test. Before the test you should practice speaking with a partner to develop certain speaking and listening skills such as taking turns, listening carefully to what your speaking partner says and agreeing or disagreeing with the points he/she makes.

In BEC speaking Part 1 of the BEC Vantage Speaking test you and the other speaking candidate will take turns to respond to some general and more specific business related questions the interlocutor will ask you.

You will be tested on your ability to speak briefly about yourself, to give concise information about your home, personal interests and job, and to demonstrate your ability to use certain language functions for example, expressing agreement, disagreement, and talking about preferences.

BEC Vantage Speaking Test Preparation

BEC vantage speaking topics

Make sure you are familiar with the format of being evaluated in pairs.

You should practice exchanging personal and non-personal information, and developing your ability to give factual information and ask relevant questions about factual information provided.

Listening is also important as you need to listen to what your speaking partner says and may be asked by the interlocutor to respond to something your partner says while speaking.

Part 1 of the BEC Vantage Speaking test lasts around 3 minutes and the interlocutor will ask you and the other candidate to:

  • give some information about yourself
  • talk about your current work situation, past experience, your plans for the future
  • offer your personal opinion on some topics.

BEC Vantage Speaking Test Part 1 Sample Speaking Questions

  • What sort of job do you do?
  • Can you tell me a bit about your work?
  • What opportunities are there for working abroad?
  • What is it about your job that you enjoy?
  • What aspects of your work are you not so keen on?
  • What qualifications do you need to do a job such as yours?
  • What skills are important for your sort of work?
  • What do you see yourself doing in a few years' time?
  • Do you have any particular ambitions or hopes for the future?

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