This is the official C1 Business English vocabulary list for the Cambridge C1 Business Higher English exam.
Business Vocabulary C1 List
- (be the) catalyst for (v)
- (below) the waterline
- (with the utmost) discretion (n)
- accordingly (adv)
- accustomed (adj)
- acquisitions
- adaptation (n)
- add on (v)
- address an issue (v)
- adventurous (adj)
- adverse (adj)
- aggressive (adj)
- align (v)
- alliance (n)
- ambiguity (n)
- anticipate (v)
- appliance (n)
- appraisal (n)
- arise (v)
- aspiration (n)
- assertiveness (n)
- asset stripping
- assets (n)
- assume (v)
- assumption (n)
- astute (adj)
- attach (v)
- attitude (n)
- attribute (n)
- audience reach (n)
- axe (v)
C1 Business Vocabulary
- bad debts
- be faced with
- be the case
- bear a grudge against someone (v)
- behavioural (adj)
- behind closed doors
- behind someone's back
- benchmark (v)
- beverage (n)
- bewildered (adj)
- bid (v)
- bind together (v)
- bitter (adj)
- blow the whistle on (v)
- blunt (adj)
- booming (adj)
- boost to (n)
- brand awareness
- breach (n)
- break even (v)
- breakaway (a)
- brewery (n)
- brief (n)
- brokerage (n)
- bugging (conversations)
- building relationships
- bump into (v)
- capacity (n)
- carefree (adj)
- channel (n)
- characteristic (adj)
- circulate (v)
- clarity (n)
- clause (n)
- clock in/out (v)
- clone (v)
- coherent (adj)
- collaboration (n)
- collaborative (adj)
- collaborative tools and workspaces
- collapse (v)
- come to terms with
- common ground (n)
- compatible (adj)
- compensation (n)
- compliance (n)
- comprehensive (adj)
- comprise (v)
- concept (n)
- concern (n)
- conduct (v)
- configuration (n)
- confines (n)
- conform (v)
- consequently (adv)
- consistently (adv)
- contrary (adj)
- core (adj)
- cornerstone (n)
- corporate landscape
- cottage industry (n)
- counterpart (n)
- courtesy (n)
- criteria (n)
- cultural differences
- cultural stereotype (n)
- cyber-espionage
Business English Vocabulary List
- dangle (v)
- dash out (v)
- dealings with (n)
- deal-makers
- dedicated (adj)
- defective (adj)
- delegating tasks
- deliver (v)
- departmentalise (v)
- deregulation (n)
- desirable (adj)
- deteriorate (v)
- deteriorate (v)
- dilemma (n)
- diluting
- discharge (v)
- disciplined (adj)
- discomfort (n)
- discourteous (adj)
- discreetly (adv)
- discrimination
- disgruntled (adj)
- disparity (n)
- dispose of (v)
- dispute (n)
- disruption (n)
- distance learning (n)
- diversify (v)
- diversity (n)
- divert (v)
- divulge (v)
- domain (n)
- dominant (adj)
- downsize
- dramatically (adv)
- drive up (price) (v)
- driver for change (n)
- dynamic (adj)
C1 Vocabulary List Cambridge
- earning respect
- ease (v)
- economies of scale (n)
- elevate (v)
- eliminate (v)
- e-marketing
- Online-Marketing
- embark on (v)
- emotive (adj)
- empowering (adj)
- enable (v)
- encounter (v)
- enhanced (adj)
- enrichment (n)
- entity (n)
- entrepreneurial (adj)
- ergonomically (adv)
- erosion (n)
- espionage (n)
- ethical (adj)
- ethical misconduct
- evenly (adv)
- evolve (v)
- exhausted (adj)
- expectation (n)
- expertise (n)
- explicit (adj)
- expose (v)
- extensive (adj)
Business English Vocabulary List
- fad (n)
- familiarise (v)
- family-run (adj)
- fat cat (n)
- favour (v)
- feasible (adj)
- feedback (n)
- financial engineering
- financial institutions
- fit in with (v)
- flagship (adj)
- flicker (v)
- flood (n)
- fluctuate (v)
- forefront (n)
- forge an alliance with (v)
- formula (n)
- formulate (v)
- foster (v)
- foul play (n) foundation (n)
- framework (n)
- fraud (n)
- freebie (n)
- frustrated (adj)
- fundamental (adj)
- gear towards (v)
- generate (v)
- get one's teeth into (v)
- go through the roof (v)
- goal-oriented (adj)
- grapevine (n)
- guidelines (n)
- guru (n)
Business English Vocabulary List
- hack into (v)
- hamper (v)
- hand-picked (adj)
- handy (adj)
- harmonise (v)
- hassle (n)
- hat-trick
- have in common (v)
- hefty (adj)
- hierarchical (adj)
- hierarchy (n)
- high-calibre (adj)
- home-based (adj)
- homogeneous (adj)
- hostile (adj)
- hotdesking (n)
- hum (v)
- humility (n)
- ideal (adj)
- ideology (n)
- immensely (adv)
- impact (n)
- imperative (adj)
- implement (v)
- implication (n)
- impressive (adj)
- incidental (adj)
- inconsiderate (adj)
- indicate (v)
- industrial restructuring
- industrial spies
- infiltrate (v)
- inflexibility (n)
- inherent (adj)
- inherit (v)
- initiate (v)
- initiative (n)
- innovative (adj)
- inside job (n)
- instant (adj)
- intelligence gathering
- interaction (n)
- interconnectivity (n)
- interfere with (v)
- intimidate (v)
- intrigue (v)
- intrinsically (adv)
- investment banker
- isolation (n)
Business English Vocabulary List
- jet in/out (v)
- jump onto the bandwagon
- keep abreast of (v)
- keep ahead of (v)
- keep one's cool (v)
- leak (v)
- lean structure (n)
- likelihood (n)
- listings (n)
- logical (adj)
- look further afield (v)
- lucrative (adj)
- machine (v)
- management tool (n)
- mastermind (v)
- mentoring
- merit (v)
- mission statement (n)
- mobility (n)
- modular (adj)
- modular philanthropy (n)
- pinpoint (v)
- pit something against (adj)
- placement (n)
- pledge (v)
- plummet (v)
- political correctness (n)
- portfolio (n)
- portray (v)
- pose a question (v)
- positioning (n)
- powerhouse (n)
- practise what one preaches
- precaution (n)
- predatory (adj)
- predictable (adj)
- premium (n)
- prequalified (adj)
- prerequisite (n)
- prescribed (adj)
- presence (n)
- preserve harmony and face
- press (v)
- prestigious (adj)
- pretty (adj)
- pricey (adj)
- prioritise (v)
- probation (n)
- procurement (n)
- product life cycle (n)
- proficiency (n)
- profile (n)
- project-oriented (adj)
- proportion (n)
- proportion (n)
- proposer (n)
- put its success down to (v)
Business English Vocabulary List
- radically (adv)
- raise capital (v)
- rarity (n)
- ratio (n)
- rationale (n)
- reach a critical point
- recover (v)
- redeployment (n)
- redundancy (n)
- reflect (v)
- remarkable (adj)
- requisite (adj)
- reserved (adj)
- resort (v)
- responsive (adj)
- retain (v)
- retirement age
- revamp (v)
- reveal (v)
- revival (n)
- rotation (n)
- ruthless (adj)
- saturate (v)
- scenario (n)
- screen (v)
- scrutiny (n)
- seek (v)
- severance (n)
- severe (adj)
- shady (adj)
- shift (n)
- shoot up (v)
- showcase (adj)
- shred (v)
- shrewd (adj)
- situational (adj)
- sizeable (adj)
- skills base (n)
- soar (v)
- social networking
- solid (adj)
- solvent (n)
- sophistication (n)
- sound (adj)
- source (v)
- speculate (v)
- spread (v)
- stable (adj)
- stakeholders
- stale (adj)
- standardisation (n)
- static (adj)
- stem form (n)
- stick up for oneself (v)
- stint (n)
- streamline (v)
- strict (adj)
- subconsciously (adv)
- subject to (adj)
- subsidiary (n)
- substantial (adj)
- superb (adj)
- supply chain (n)
- surpass (v)
- surveillance (n)
- sustainable (adj)
- synergy (n)
Business English Vocabulary List
- take into account (v)
- take into consideration (v)
- takeover or merger
- talent (n)
- task-based (adj)
- team spirit (n)
- teleworking (n)
- tend to (v)
- tentative (adj)
- thorough (adj)
- thrift (n)
- time-consuming (adj)
- tolerate (v)
- tough (adj)
- transactions (n)
- treat as (v)
- trend (n)
- trendy (adj)
- turn an order around (v)
- unbiased (adj)
- uncompromising (adj)
- undercut (v)
- underpin (v)
- undertaking (n)
- undervalued (adj)
- undoubtedly (adv)
- universally (adv)
- unwind (v)
- usage (n)
- usher in (v)
- value system (n)
- variable (adj)
- venue (n)
- versatile (adj)
- violation (n)
- virtual team (n)
- vital (adj)
- volatile (adj)
- vulnerable (adj)
- walk out (v)
- walk the talk
- warrant (v)
- warranty (n)
- weigh up (v)
- well-being (n)
- whistle-blower
- widespread (adj)
- win-win situation (n)
- work one's way up through the ranks
- workmanship (n)
Good luck with your C1 Business English Certificate!