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BEC Vantage Test | How to write a report | What you need to know

BEC Vantage Writing Test | How to Write a report sample

You work as an assistant in the Press and Information Office of a large multinational corporation.

You and your boss are part of a team working on drafting the company’s initial ethics code.

You are due to present a report to the department heads regarding the progress of the project.

Read through the memo and the list of things to do given below. Then, use all the notes to write your report. Write 120-140 words.

From: Tom Richardson, Press and Information Officer
To: You
Subject: Company code of ethics

I have to attend an urgent meeting. Can you please write the progress report for the heads of department, please? Tell them everything we have already done and what we plan to do next, and don’t forget to include the suggestion for the sales department and buyers. You will see I have included some notes on the list of things to do.



Things To Do

Give a copy of the code to all employees. Send by email. [Note: Done]

Annual Report
Include a copy of the report to inform shareholders of our ethical policy and the action we are taking.

See that transaltion is carried out for the Spanish, Italina and German sales outlets. [NOTE: Spanish & Italian done, German pending]

Organize distribution (hard copy) of our code of ethics to business partners (customers, suppliers, etc.) to emphasize our position on corruption, employee exploitation and so on. [NOTE:extra copies already sent to purchasing and sales staff suggesting they distribute them]

Exam Tip: Use this checklist to review your report after you have written it.
  • Does the report have a title?
  • Is it divided into sections with clear subheadings?
  • Is it the correct length?
  • Are articles a/an/the used correctly?
  • Are verb tenses correct? (e.g. The code has been translated into Spanish NOT The code is translated into Spanish)
  • Do verbs agree with their subjects? (e.g. Extra copies... suggesting they distribute them NOT suggesting they distribute it)


Progress Report on Code of Ethics

The new Code of Ethics has now been completed and sent by email to all current employees.

The code has already been translated into Spanish and Italian for our sales outlets in those countries. Our German outlets will receive their copies shortly.

A copy of the code will also be included for all shareholders to make them aware of it and our position on ethical matters.

The translation of the code into German should be completed by the end of this month and will then be distributed directly to our sales outlets there.

It has been suggested that distribution of the code to customers, suppliers and other business partners be carried out by the purchasing department and sales staff. They have already received extra copies for them to do this.

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