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How are BEC VANTAGE Writing Tasks scored? Grading BEC Vanatge Report Writing

How is BEC writing scored?

Writing Assessment

Examiners award an ‘impression mark’ for each writing task in the BEC writing test. This ‘impression mark’ along with a specific task-based criteria marking scheme focused on content, register, organisation, format and the target reader (indicated in each task), is then combined with the ‘impression mark’ to give the final score for each writing task.

The band score awarded for each writing task is then converted into a score of 0-10 for Part 1 tasks and score of 0-20 for Part 2 tasks.

So the maximum score that can be obtained for the both Part 1 and Part 2 tasks is 30 points.

The general impression mark is based on the B2 level of the Council of Europe reference system.

A summary of the general impression mark scheme for part 1 tasks and Part 2 tasks is shown below.