BEC Exam - BEC Speaking Test Sample Questions with Answers Do you want to pass the C1 Business (BEC) Higher speaking test? Test your Business English vocabulary and improve it with these sample questions and answers. These are examples of common Business English speaking test questions. The best way to prepare for the C1 Business Higher exam is to take as many practice tests as possible, but the examples below will give you an idea of what’s on the test. You can also use these examples when preparing for interviews or presentations at work. These are all real-world situations that people encounter daily in business, so they should be easy enough to understand even if you don’t know some of the words yet. C1 Business Higher Speaking Test Part 1 In this section of the C1 Business Higher speaking test, you will take turns with the other candidate(s) answering questions from the interlocutor. You will have to provide some personal information about yourself and you will...