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BEC Vantage Report Writing Sample Report Writing Tips

BEC Vantage Report Writing Sample

As part of a project to redesign the office space at your company’s head office, you have carried out a survey of staff attitudes to the current workspace.

You now have to write a report summarizing the main findings and recommending changes that need to be incorporated in the new design.

Look at the results of the survey below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.

Write your report using the notes in 120-140 words.

What people most want to change about their workplace

How information is stored


  • Storage problem: lack of personal space likely to get worse as company grows

  • Recommend: more storage for personal items, more meeting rooms/places

  • Too much information printed out: mention figure, will probably get worse

  • Recommend: training course in electronic data storage

  • An Informal Report Making Proposals

    New Office Design Proposals


    As part of the office redesign project, I was asked to carry out a survey to assess staff attitudes to their workspace.

    • 1. Storage: According to the survey, the major complaint is lack of storage for both documents and personal belongings. Although 90 per cent of our information is stored electronically, 70 per cent is still printed out and filed. This trend is likely to continue.
    • 2. Quiet working space: Another concern is shortage of meeting rooms, particularly for informal meetings at short notice.

    • 1. The new design will need to incorporate more personal storage in order to reduce the amount of paper being generated. I also recommend training in electronic storage.
    • 2. The office design should also include separate meeting rooms and private areas for informal meetings.