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Showing posts with the label Writing Business Proposals

How to Write a Business Report | Business English Writing

Business English Learning Online | Learn the 5 essential steps to write a Business Proposal How To Write A Business Proposal Here is an example of how to write a business proposal . Proposal for launching our products in Eastern Europe Introduction The purpose of this proposal is to suggest that we begin to market our product range in Eastern Europe and to present a possible plan of action in order to achieve this. Current situation At present, our main markets are Western Europe, North America and Japan. As many countries in Eastern Europe have recently joined the EU, there is a now a new emerging market close to our production facilities that is gradually becoming more prosperous and that we could take advantage of. Market research Initial market research should be carried out with the aim of discovering: Who likely competitors are in the market Prices customers would be prepared to pay Which retail shops would be suitable and willing to stock our prod...

BEC Vantage Report Writing Sample Report Writing Tips

BEC Vantage Report Writing Sample As part of a project to redesign the office space at your company’s head office, you have carried out a survey of staff attitudes to the current workspace. You now have to write a report summarizing the main findings and recommending changes that need to be incorporated in the new design. Look at the results of the survey below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes. Write your report using the notes in 120-140 words. What people most want to change about their workplace How information is stored NOTES: Storage problem: lack of personal space likely to get worse as company grows Recommend: more storage for personal items, more meeting rooms/places Too much information printed out: mention figure, will probably get worse Recommend: training course in electronic data storage An Informal Report Making Proposals New Office Design Proposals Background As part of the office redesign proje...

Writing A Business Proposal: All You Need To Know for B2 Business

Cambridge B2 Business Vantage Writing Tasks Writing a Business Proposal Example B2 Business Vantage Writing Task A branch of your company is moving to another town. The company Chairman has asked you to investigate and recommend a removals company. Use the two advertisements below, and all the notes you previously wrote to write a proposal for the Chairman. Write 120 – 140 words. Writing a Business Proposal | Example B2 Business Vantage exam task B2 Business Vantage Example Proposal Companies Investigated I attach advertisements for two companies: Windspeed and A-Z. Windspeed belongs to the Freight Transport Association and AZ to the Road Haulage Association. Services Available A-Z provides a service which is essential to us, that is, the handling of hi-tech equipment. We shall need to hire crates for storage of equipment which our branch does not need immediately. I have checked, and A-Z also provide crates. Windspeed also does int...