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Cambridge English C1 Business Higher Report Writing Sample

Cambridge C1 Business Higher writing exam Overview of Part 2 In Part 2, you'll write a report or a proposal. You'll have about 45 minutes for this task. You'll get information about a business situation. This might be in the form of notes, graphs, or charts. Your job is to use this info to write your report or proposal. The task will tell you who you're writing for. It could be your boss, a client, or someone else in a business setting. You need to write about 220-260 words. Make sure your writing is clear and professional. Your report or proposal should have a clear structure. Use headings to organize your ideas. Don't forget to include an introduction and a conclusion. The exam tests how well you can: Understand and use business information Organize your thoughts clearly Use proper business language Make suggestions or recommendations Remember to use formal language and avoid slang or very casual expressions. This part of the exam i

Learn About Writing Skills for Job Search | What You Need to Know!

About Writing Skills for Job Search Story Time! The Power of the Written Word: Imagine this: You're a recent grad, eager to launch your career. Maybe you have some experience, but it doesn't feel like enough. Then, you land an interview for your dream job! But there are lots of other qualified applicants. What makes you stand out? Believe it or not, the answer could be in your writing. Here's why...Writing is Your Secret Weapon: A recent study by NACE revealed that a whopping 72% of hiring managers consider strong writing skills a priority when deciding who gets the job! So, even if your experience isn't super extensive yet, clear and impactful writing can be your secret weapon. Beyond the Resume: Your Writing Toolkit This blog post isn't just about resumes (though those are important too!). We're here to show you how to write effectively throughout your entire job search. Think of it like building a writing toolkit. We'll cover

Self Justification for Promotion Sample Letter (email): How to Write

To justify a promotion in an email or letter, clearly communicate your achievements , skills , and value proposition to the organization. How Do You Write A Good Justification For A Promotion At Work? Here are five critical things that you should include in your communication: Engaging Introduction : Start by expressing your excitement for the desired role and show your dedication to the company. Highlight Accomplishments : Share specific examples and metrics that demonstrate the impact you have made in your current role. Emphasize Skills : Discuss the relevant skills that you have which align with the responsibilities of the new role. Express Desire to Grow : Show your eagerness for more responsibilities and your willingness to advance in the company. Wrap Up Professionally : Conclude with gratitude and express your willingness to discuss your promotion further in a meeting. Always maintain a professional tone, be specific about your a

Career Growth: Remote Work vs. Office – Which is Better?

Love your PJs? Great! But working remotely might not be the career win you think. The Problem 56% of managers say they focus more on helping office workers advance in their careers. And some bosses are even more likely to fire remote workers . (We all know why!) Warning Signs Excluded from key meetings or decisions. Office colleagues get special treatment (flex hours, vacation). Your achievements go unnoticed. Limited communication from your manager. Fight Back! Stay visible Regularly discuss progress and goals with your manager. Be an active team player Participate in projects, meetings, and building relationships. Track your wins Keep a record of achievements to showcase your value. Know your promotion path Ask your manager what's needed to move up (get it in writing!). Still Feel Overlooked? It might be time to find a company that values remote rockstars like you! Keep crushing it fro

Phrases in Business English | Vocabulary for Professionals

Must-Know Phrases in Business English Back to the Drawing Board Definition : To start over again after a failure or setback. Beginner : Our project failed. We need to go back to the drawing board. Intermediate : After the prototype didn't work, the engineers went back to the drawing board to redesign it. Advanced : The marketing campaign was unsuccessful, so the team had no choice but to go back to the drawing board and develop a new strategy. Get the Ball Rolling Definition : To start an activity or project. Beginner : Let’s get the ball rolling on the new project today. Intermediate : We need to finalize the budget so we can get the ball rolling on the construction plans. Advanced : The initial meeting was successful; now it's time to get the ball rolling on the implementation phase. Call it a Day Definition : To stop working for the day. Beginner : It's late. Let’s call it a day. Intermediate : After eight hours of coding, sh

Business Vocabulary | Job Interview | Marketing Team Leader

Job Interview - Marketing Team Leader Position Interviewer: Good morning, and thank you for joining us today. To begin, could you tell me a little about yourself and why you're interested in the Marketing Team Leader position? Candidate: Certainly, I've spent the past five years in the marketing field, progressively taking on more responsibilities and honing my skills in strategy and team management. I'm particularly drawn to this role because it offers the opportunity to lead a dynamic team and contribute to innovative marketing strategies, which aligns perfectly with my career aspirations. Interviewer: Interesting, thank you. Now, could you describe how you managed a challenging project in your previous role and what the outcome was? Candidate: In my previous role, I led a project aimed at launching a new product in a highly competitive market. The challenge was to generate buzz and achieve a specified target within a constrained budget. By adopti

Email Writing Questions | Business Email Writing | All You Need To Know

Business Email Writing | How to write a professional email | email writing questions and answers Sample email writing questions with answers B2 Business Vantage Writing Test Part 1 In Part 1 of the B2 Business Vantage writing test, you have to produce a communication of 40 – 50 words from one person to another in the form of: A memo An email A short note The instructions provide a context and tell you who the communication is for as well as listing the information which must be included in your answer. Email Writing Questions The topics are all business related matters such as: Office procedures Purchasing A meeting, conference or exhibition Travel arrangements Training Introducing new systems, for example, IT Contracts and deals You are usually asked to do three or four things. These may be: Giving or confirming information Requesting permission Explaining what has happened or will happen Apologizing Making suggestions Issuing or ac
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